Connect with Our Mental Health Outreach and Engagement Services

At FWC, we are deeply committed to fostering an engaged, resilient, and mentally healthy community. Our community engagement and outreach programs serve as the heart of this mission, bridging the gap between mental health services and the people who need them most. We work tirelessly to ensure that everyone has access to the resources, support, and education necessary to navigate mental health challenges. Through workshops, panel discussions, support groups, and educational resources, we strive to dispel mental health stigmas, foster open dialogue, and promote overall mental well-being. Our outreach efforts are inclusive, holistic, and tailored to meet the diverse needs of our community to professional and private groups.

Please reach out to us today by completing our Community Interest Form to collaborate/partner with FWC.

Areas of Interest
Please select which of the following areas you are requesting FWC to contribute to (check all that apply):
Please provide any other information you think would be helpful for us to know: